BLITZERS interview

Today we are honored to bring an interview with the boy group BLITZERS after completing their tour in Europe during the month of October. The group BLITZERS is composed of seven members; Go U, Juhan, Jinhwa, Sya, Chris, Lutan and Wooju, who debuted in May 2021 and had their last comeback in July with their third EP “WIN-DOW”. They have already completed their first european tour performing in 12 cities and 8 countries.

In this interview, they tell us about their tour, their thoughts, the first year of their career, letting us know about them, and much more that you can read below.




First of all, congratulations on your European tour. How was the experience?

Sya: First of all, even though it was my first time performing in Europe, I was surprised to see so many BLEEs greet me! Moreover, at the time of the tour, Europe was when corona quarantine-related restrictions were relaxed, so you can breathe close to the audience. We were able to hold an event and it was especially impressive that they shouted out loud.

Since your tour is over, would you like to come back to Europe in the future?

Jinhwa: Absolutely! I want to go to more cities that I didn't visit on this tour, and I want to go to more cities that I visited. I can't wait to see you again!

It’s been 1 year since your debut, how has it been since then? Are there any moments to highlight?

Lutan: It seems time has gone fast since the debut! We also released four albums, a single and an EP, I've been on tour twice. At the beginning of the debut, we also performed in South Korea and performed in an audience without fans. During the recent "Hit The Bass" activities, I was so happy to be able to see the fans on stage.

Juhan: Touring USA and Europe was also a very precious moment for us. Not long after our debut overseas, it was so nice to be there and see BLEE again!

If someone wanted to start listening to your music, what song would you recommend?

Go U: I recommend "Hit The Bass"! The members wrote the song themselves, which makes it even more affectionate!

Jinhwa: "Blitz (Next Level Remix)", "Simon Says"! BLITZERS image and identity are the best. I think they're expressive songs. I think these are songs that move not only the body but also the mind when there is no life!

Sya: "Will Make a Mistake". I love the message of the song!

Chris: "Will Make a Mistake" me too. May the message of the lyrics be helpful to the listeners I hope.

Juhan: I RECOMMEND "BOBBIN"! I think it's a song that can show us well!

Lutan: I recommend our debut song "Breathe Again"! Our song has a unique color. Think about it. It's the first song we showed, so I recommend it!

Wooju: I recommend "Hit The Bass"! It's our most recent song, so listen to our songs one at a time, starting with this one. Please!

On the other hand, if you hadn't been singers, what would you have liked to be?

Jinhwa: I never thought about anything other than being a singer, so I would have been an aspiring idol!

Go U: Probably your peers at school or work?

Juhan: Even if I wasn't in a group, I think I would have been a solo singer or an office worker.

Sya: I love clothes, so I would have been a fashion designer!

Chris: Graphic designer. When I was in high school, my speciality was graphic design.

Lutan: I think I probably was having fun going to school like my peers.

Wooju: I think I would be a high school student in school too!

What can we expect from BLITZERS in the future? Any kind of music you would like to try?

Go U: We don't have any plans set yet, but maybe we'll be out to see BLEE all over the world! I can't wait to meet Spain and Latin America BLEE someday!

Juhan: Musically, I want to try a variety of music. Genre, style and message! It's fun every time I want to communicate through music!

If you could collaborate with any other artist, who would you like it to be?

Wooju: We haven't collaborated with other artists yet, so if any can join us, we would be so honored!

Do you want to send a message to the fans of Spain and Latin America?

Jinhwa: Spain and Latin America BLEE! Thank you so much for your support and love every time! We're going to work a little harder and definitely go see Spain and Latin America in person, so until then, please be patient! Te amo. ¡Gracias!

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