Hyemin Interview

On Saturday, November 5th, the soloist Hyemin participated in the 3YE's concert in Madrid, capital of Spain, and we had the opportunity to sit down and talk with her about her recent release, “Shooting Star”, her future, her music and more!

Don’t miss this interview with Hyemin!



Congratulations on your recent release, “Shooting Star”. We have seen that you were part of the songwriting with other great professionals, how was the experience? What inspired you the most when creating “Shooting Star”?

Everything was very fast, because we had to do the song super fast and perfect. I really enjoyed the lyrics of the song. There is another girl who did the lyrics in English and I adapted it to Korean, but we talked about the subject to choose for the lyrics. The lyrics and the song were being done at the same time. It was all super intense but the result was very nice.

My songs have the same message. For example in “Shooting Star” lyrics says “You are a Shooting Star”, you are a shooting star, who shines for who you are. You don’t have to feel bad if people talk bad about you, because you’re perfect the way you are. That’s the message. In “Diosa”, the other song, it has that same message, that you are a 'Diosa' (goddess). I always have those messages with my songs so people understand that Hyemin means with her songs that you’re the best.

Last year you told us that you were looking for what style would suit you better. What is Hyemin situation right now?

With my last song, I think I really like that style of song and I can also connect with more people. People like to dance, and I didn’t like it before, but with this song I’ve made a little bit of movement, people like it and I think I’m going to continue with this style.

We recently saw that you met Jessi. Both of you are artists with different styles but would you like to approach or try that genre in the future?

Me!? (Laughs) I can try, but I can’t say it’s the best thing for me. But yes, trying, a song or a collaboration is possible.

Is there any Spanish-speaking artist you would like to collaborate specially with? Who would it be?

I like Aitana. I really like her voice, I’ve heard her songs on the radio. She got a lot of my attention.




If someone wanted to start listening to Hyemin music, what song would you recommend?

Well, the more like “I”, the more “Hyemin”, is “Sarang”, the ballad, because I’m a vocalist. Although I sing and dance a bit, I like to show what my true voice is and I empower it too. So we can start with “Sarang” and then enjoy other songs.

What are your goals for 2023?

Probably more songs, and it may also be other things like acting... But I can’t say many things... (Laughs)

Do you want to send a message to your fans of Spain and Latin America?

First I want to say thank you very much for your support always sending super-sweet messages. They take care of me a lot by texting me that I have to drink water (laughs). Super cutes and super nices. Thank you very much and I will keep making more music and things for you.
Annyeong Saranghae!

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